
Week 2


What time period, decade or year do you think this photograph was created in? What visual cues support your choice?

The photograph was likely taken in the 2000’s as the set up of the house is modern with stylish furniture and a minimalistic feel which again provides a insight into when this photo was taken.


Where in the world was this photograph taken? Again, please detail your reasons for asserting your choice.

I think that the photo originates from somewhere either in the USA or Europe, however, I would like to believe that it was taken in European country and one place I think it may have been taken is Greece, this is because of the Discobolus of Myron statue on the shelf at the back of the picture, this is because the original statue came from Greece, but is popular enough to be an ornament in other countries.


In a short paragraph, how would you describe the key visual elements of the photograph? What is contained within the frame?

I would say that the main element of the photo is the two boys boxing on the right, the framing shows a living room area which would be a normal photo if it didn’t have the two boys fighting. I think the boys where there too add something interesting to the image as if you take them out t would be a somewhat uninteresting photo.


How is/are the human subject(s) of the photograph engaging with the camera/photographer?

The two subjects are positioned in boxing stances and the one on the left is going in for a punch and the one on the right looks to be moving or dodging it, the photographer as either caught them at the perfect time to catch the movement or as told them to pose in a style of a boxing fight.


What, if any directions do you think the photographer may have given to the subject(s) of the photograph?

I feel that they would have told both subjects to appear to be boxing, however maintaining a distance where they actually won’t get hit. On the other hand, they could just be boxing and the photographer just so happened to take the photo at the right time.


What do you believe the photographer wants, you, the viewer to take from the image?

When I look at this image all I see is two people boxing in a living room, I feel like they are siblings that are doing what boys do and that’s play fight with each other, however, to others, they may see it differently and can interpret it to what they think.

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